Tuesday, November 10, 2015

2015 City Ornaments

2015 City Ornaments
There are 13 city ornaments released this year..
Borrowed photo with approval.

From Left to right:
New York, Seattle, L.A, Chicago, 
Boston,Pikes Peak, San Francisco
D.C, California
Florida, New Orleans, Hawaii & Texas
These ornaments are $7.95


  1. Can you only buy these at Starbucks stores?

  2. Yes, but i might have a helpful tid-bit for you shortly for a trade group. Im waiting admin approval to post info in my blog.

  3. Do you have an advice on how to obtain most of these for people not residing in the States? Any sort of Starbucks shopping service? I've started collecting ornaments when I lived in the US, but I don't anymore and the addict in me needs those ornaments.

  4. My advice is to either look on ebay...or in my latest post i shared a link for a trade/buy group. . Its a pretty active group.
